NKO 3.0

Elvy Hadhiyat & The Alpha Squadron

Image Elvy, aka "Bunga Mawar" is drinking buddies with Haruka. At age 27 she has enough military experience to merit her the title of leader of the Alpha Squadron. At the beginning of the series, we see Elvy as part of the military team that attacks Tokyo Jupiter --Operation Overlord. She's the only survivor, and when she later finds out that the casualties are mostly because of Ayato, she develops resentment and even hatred towards him; it adds fuel to the fire when she finds out that Ayato is also a Mulian. However, as the series progresses, Elvy starts to understand that Ayato is ignorant of the Mu's intention and is just a regular human being; being the first love of her best friend Haruka, she decides to take it easy on the boy and even helps Haruka find Ayato when he escapes to Tokyo Jupiter together with Quon.

Along with Elvy, the Alpha Squadron is composed of Cathy McMahon aka "Crazy Horse", the 23 year old loud mouthed and often obnoxious southern American; Donny Wong aka "Tonpu", a 25 year old Chinese second lieutenant and hinted to be a romantically interested in Elvy; and Jean-Patrick Shappling aka "Maestro", a 35 year old lieutenant, most likely of African-American descent. At the beginning of the anime they all pilot jets, but later on they pilot Vermillions --giant mechas with superior technology than their fighter jets, though it is later revealed that these robots are made from dolems. All of the Alpha Squadron, including Elvy, are killed during combat towards the end of the series, with the exception of Donny who was killed earlier. It is not known if they're alive after the tuning, though anything is possible.

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